This is my sexy ex hubby.He likes when girls look at him since where not married anymore.I told him about the jewlry money I owe him and he was in a good mood and told me I can pay him when I have it.
This is the way he always looked when he was in the right mood for love.See how charming and sexy his expression is?I made the pix biger so you can see the sexy look he got.
We was married for 9 years.
It is to hot for me to do aaaanything!I cant bear with it at all.I spent my moolah on Ebay and I am wondering how to pay for it.The account is in my hubby's name and I am going to be in trouble.I am not worried about ebay.I am worried about my hubby.He will be so pissst!Oh well why worry when I have no answers.Her is me looking more happy a few weeks ao.
bet you guessed it never happened.I got married to a jughead.He did not ruin my career.I was not made to be in movies.Oh well.Anyway I hoysted up my skirt looking sexy for this pic.