

I stoped spending money because Im worried about July.I am worried about the tests for the c word. Still a big fat babywhen it comes to that word and that idea and knowing the tests are due so soon.
I kept myself pretty happy.
Im geting moe worried and nervous now.
But since January when I went for the tests and they gave me this appointment six months away. I breathed. I didnt think about it much. I wanted to have some care free time. Happy time.
I will get back into concentrating on smiling and lauhing.
I drink more green tea. I eat garlic. I cut down on all exept 2 junk foods.I only eat pretzels and  Fritos.
Im ot spending so that if I am in dispair in July i will have some money for spending on things that can make me feel happy even temporary happiness is better then nothing.
On a lighter subject I have planted some tomatoes and herbs and maybe I will get more veggie plants if the garden works out.
What else.Im thinking?
My sleep is improving. I feel tired out after so much green tea. I dont know if that is what makes me tired. May be I wear myself out with the tea? I stop drinking tea at 3:00. Sometimes earlier if Im real hyper.
Today ex hubby is bringing me all his whites to wash. Its nice that he sorted out the colors for me because my place is a mess when I have to seperate the colors from the whites and I have his clothes all over.
My fish are doing good.


Gledwood said...

I'm glad you're feeling a bit better... in some ways. Or at least sleeping a little longer. My sleep has been all over the place lately!

Take care babe XXXXXXX fizzy orange!

eyelick said...

Scary! Eye would probably also be too afraid. eye don't go to the doctor's unless it's for a work excuse... Eye worked 12 hours shifts for a month with pneumonia without going. Eye had a shoulder blade injury that hurt for years after falling down the stairs drunk - never went. Eye get stabbing lung pains sometimes, eye don't go. The closest eye get to medical anything is going down for STD/HIV testing at a free clinic, and work myself up into a panic while waiting for results! Not sure where the doctor aversion originates - never had a horrible experience - although our yearly checkups when eye was in junior high and high school - eye dreaded the scale, being weighed. Maybe that's where the avoidance originally comes from..

Gledwood said...

O Beverly what are you doing? Come back to us. And stop worrying about the C word. Have a drink and stop worrying. Or better still, don't drink. But don't worry. Be happy. JUST STOP WORRYING OK//??



Bev said...

Gledwood thanks for visiting me with funny comments.At least Im smiling my big smile.
Im coming to visit you now.
Eyelick I am glad you came to see me.I will come and see you and how you are doing.I never liked going to doctors.I get hi blood pressure the minute I walk in to a medical place.Im not scared of bad neihboorhoods but anything in a white coat.
Thanks you 2 for visiting me.Hugs and kisses to youXoxoxo

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