
Fussing on Friday

I saw Jungle Book from the 40s.The scenery was so beautiful. Pretty brook and white doves flying out there nest. It made me wonder if Heaven is more beautiful than that. It must be.The set of Jungle Book  was man made and the ideas are limited to the human mind and we only can copy what we seen from God.Gods imagination is lots diferent. God is the greatest creator the best desighner. I have been dreaming about what Hes done in Heaven. My imagination is limited to what I've seen in nature. He must have an all together diferent Nature upstairs.
I feel tired all week. May be my drinking is out of  control. Even if I get myself stimulated in the head it doesnt spread to my body so I can accomplish any thing besides mandatory drugery. I havent done nothing.
I want to but I have no energy. Even 2 tea bags dont get my feet going.
A few days ago was the first time in may be a month that I went out side.
I was worried about geting vertigo on the street and maybe picked up by police. During an attack I cant explain a lot. Im to busy trying to calm myself down and get to a still lying position. I feel a little better now but I still needed a drink to go out side. I had to mail a package to a buyer from ebay. I should of wraped the package before I drank because I sent her the wrong stuff.
Im going to buy some food toady and I feel nervous about going out and having vertigo.
May be thats why Im not doing nothing. Because I been cooping myself all up and thats depressing.
I know it will take some patience but I will work on being less nervous out side.
I lost confidence with those vertigo spells. I dont want anyone seeing me crawl around when I loose my balance.
Peace and all good things to you this Friday and always.


Gledwood said...

Hello Darling. Sorry I have not been by of late but I haven't been to anyone else's either... (as you can see I haven't really been blogposting either...)

You say you might be drinking to excess. Beverly Darling, I have to say this and I'm not being cruel: you do sound like an alcoholic. I mean I'm in no position to judge, being a manic-depressive heroin addict and all but I do know alcoholism when I see it. I myself used to drink enough to get daily blackouts (functioning "normally" (or so I thought) and yet afterwards my memory in tatters. Just little shreds of what was left and huge blacked-out tranches of it GONE)... If you really want to get help and stop please remember that AA is one of the BEST places. As well as being free, you get a lot of fellowship and support, they're nonjudgemental and you definitely won't be the worst case. From what I've seen (in NA) the worse off you are addiction-wise, the better these 12-step programmes will work...

Wow that preaching is NOT what I came over here to do but... hey. Anyway I hope you're all right darling. I have to fly off I'm due at an antidrugs meeting myself!

Take care and lots of love always.


Fresh Parsley Flavoured!

Unknown said...

Hey Bev! Where have you been? Is everything ok? Because Im pretty worried about you since you havent written in awhile. Let us know you're ok sweetie! Kelley

Bev said...

Thank you for parsley flavor Gledwood.I had some fresh parsley last night.Yum! I have beans and onion in bacon and brown sugar sauce kisses for you!XoxOXO

Im sorry I worried you Kelley.I am fine and getting over my equalibrium problems and getting out again so I feel much better then when I wrote this.Honey bun kisses and love to youXoXoxoXOo

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