
Fraidy Cat

Im very nervous and upset.
I wish I had more friends.
One friend she was a good friend who moved states away told me You dont need friends.You need the law.
There is a couple who live near my building. 
They are loud and cuss loud enouh for the whole neighborhood.
I get head aches when Im stressed out.
There was a little arguing today.I was composed until I shut the door and fell a part. For the moment its behind me.
Tomorrow it may be a head of me.Again.
I love when the awful parts of life are over with.
If we could all get the awfulness out & over with on a day where energetic. And look forward to all the peacefull tomorrows.
More often then not I have a cowards approach. No. Its not an approach at all if Im hiding.
I avoid problems.Or I get boozed up and sleep.
I have never found the courage to resolve deep big problems.
I will coop in my apartment until there gone.
So my freedom depends on the where abouts of these people.
Im intimidated by them. I am afraid of there threats. I wont call the police because it can make matters worse.
Im not moving again. They follow me any way.
My ex hubby is very afraid of this couple.I cant turn to him for help.
Part of the couple is actully one of my sisters. The bossiest.
I know how menacing and vindictive she is.
She knifed my exs tires after she was trying to get me in to trouble.

There she is. I made her smaller and less threatening.Ha! If I could do that in my head when I look at her I will be all set.
I use to welcome her at my old apt living with ex hubby.
She punched holes in the wall while we was out.
I  would not tell the land lord the truth. He is no nonsense.
I told him I did it. My ex hubby help me mesh and patch the holes. Then we got evicted.
I dont want more trouble.I want peace and happiness.
Do I have some thing my sister wants? What it seems like she wants to destroy me.
When she was in and out of prison. I never bailed her out. I dint have the money but if I did I would not.
5 yrs ago or so she was diagnosed with drug induced Schizophrenic affective disorder.
I cried.For a little time I felt that now I can understand her antagonism.She was not well. 
I took the diagnosis tragicly. I wished I could hold her and make her well.
She took the diagnosis real well.She was happy to get more money then just state welfare. For months until her disability was granted she was a model patient.Taking the medication and all that.
Her personality was always intimidating.She likes controlling people. I dont think these are a part of the illness. I think there just herself.
I never met  a nother soul who is as cruel as her exept my mom.
As soon as she got disability she stopped the medication and stopped seeing the doctors.
She was back on cocaine and diet pills and  every thing she gets her hands on.
She is the part of my life I want to forget about but cant.
I want to forgive but cant.Because her terms are irrational.
If only I move to a nother state and she does not find me.May be some day. But Im no where near close to a move.
She bullied me all the while we lived with our parents. She loved harassing my friends so that I had none left from school.
She is not well and I should still have the compassion I had when they diagnosed her.. I dont.Its so hard to compassion some one who makes daily life hell. Who gets rushes from creating havoc and joy from watching you cry. In fact I been crying days now. My eyes are so puffed its painfull keeping them open.
People say casual hang in there. I been hanging a life time and only let go completely once.
People can talk about the law. She has the law on her side.
She use to borrow my compact to powder her shine.While using it I would hear the familiar clicking sound before she handed me a compact with a broken mirror and powder falling out. I lost may be 20 compacts this way. 
She drove earlier then me.I got my licence late in life. I took the car to her place and invited her fora spin. Where ever she wanted to go I said happily. She wanted the ice cream parlor.Strange she sat in the back seat and not with me. I get home and find ice cream all over the seat all over the windows.
She may never even have licked the ice cream but she sure as hell licked me a long long time ago.
God give me a little scrap of what they call peace. Just a little and I can stretch it a long way.


bugerlugs63 said...

O Bev this sounds like a nightmare. No matter what her illness is, there is no excuse for her to make your life a misery. It sounds as though she is jealous of your happiness and contentment with life in general.
You should not have to cope with this. You've had more than your fair share of crap in your life and you've worked hard to be where you are now . . . It's very difficult when it involves family, but if she's upsetting you, you are well within reason to tell her that you just don't want anything more to do with her. Thing is, will she listen? I would imagine she is irrational and hard to reason with.
I know it's easy said Bev, but try to not let her destroy your peace, you deserve that peace and she is all set to destroy it. I don't really know how best to deal with her. I hope and pray the situation improves for you by the way of some miracle. Much love sent to you Bev, thinking of you x x x x

Bev said...

Thank you so much Diane.By way of some miracle.
Thank you Sweet Heart. Im writing this reaching for some thing kind to reach back to me as you have.
I spent the day sober. I didnt pacify my problem with wine.
I am so glad you wrote to me. I love you and its good to vent and get this off my back.
Tomorrow is a nother day and may be it will bring some thing like a miracle.
Love to you and all the best blessings to you and family XoxOXo

Gledwood said...

The other day my key broke off in the lock and I rang the landlords guy and he said knock on flat 2 and cut a copy of his. The keycutting place is 5 mins away.

So I did and met this really friendly American sounding guy.

But usually I never ever speak to any of my neighbours. If I think they're going to be in the hall I would put off going out, and would usually rather stand 10 mins in the rain than come in early and have to say hello.

I spose I'm just not friendly any more... I only ever see one single person who also has severe mental health problems, much worse than mine.

I have a schizophrenic affective disorder too. My mum wants to think I have 2 personalities, my other folks want to think it's "all drugs". Except the first hints of bipolar started in my mid 20s, a few years BEFORE I ever got into heroin. So I don't know.

ALL I WANT from life is to be off benefits and happy earning a living eg by writing. I might not take my meds either. I'm so fed up of the system, If I have to go on like this another decade I can't see myself surviving it...

(know what I mean)

sorry to end on a sad note I have to run, about to be timed out!

Bev said...

But Gledwood your logical and you have humor.
My sister is angry all the time and violent.She doesnt make sense.
Also you have feelings.My sister doesnt show any.Never did.
She cant laugh or cry bt she can scream constantly.
She abandoned her nurseing dog and the puppies and took off for Philly with a couple thousand $ she stold.
We found out about the dog because the mother jumped out of the 2nd floor window and was roaming the streets for food.
When we got inside the doggie led up to the bath tub where the puppies where and she lay down and fed them. It was so sad.
The mother dog risked her life breaking throuh the window and jumping for her puppies.
Any way I would never compare you with her.

bugerlugs63 said...

Bev, well done for not drinking the problem away, you're stronger than me for sure.
My Sister, in Australia reads my Blog so I can't write much about her over on my Blog, but she controlled my life as a kid with my phobia, badly, traumatised me . . . She was manipulative and harsh and I don't feel much towards her really, not hate nor love, she's been over there for 36 yrs now and every time she visits England there is trouble of some kind . . . Its just another one of those blood ties that don't really exist.
I'm glad you stayed strong Bev, thinking of you and sending you much love x x x

Gledwood said...

O I know I'm not mad now. I hope I will never go mad again. My one ambition is to become a successful writer and that means successful enough to earn a living and buy a house and never have to rely on "the system" again.

Some people who go mental seem to be mental all the time.

Also I'm taking antipsychotic every single day. I asked for one I knew would make me sleepy, so I look forward to being zonked an hour after popping them...

Bev said...

Diane may be some day me or her will move away. It will have to be me I think.
Love to you XoXO

Gledwood you are a great writer. And you can write on so many subjects and always make it interesting.
Love to you xOXo

Gledwood said...

I hope I can be a great writer for money as well as free on the internet. My family drive me crazy by going on about ways of self-publishing which I have no interest in at all. Like I say I want to write to earn a living, not go into business as a book publisher. I want to find publishers who believe in me and will promote my books across all languages in all countries while I put my energy into writing, not worrying about getting copies to readers.

Sorry I know this is irrelevant but every time I think of it, it drives me crazy and I don't want to write it on my blog because I know my family read that...

I just wish they would see what I want and what I don't want. And I do not want to publish my own work! The only time you hear about anyone getting successful self-publishing is when a "real" publisher takes them on and they're a huge bestseller eg 50 Shades of Grey (which I really don't want to read).

The stuff I'm planning at the moment is for children, anyhow. I don't think there are that many great children's books around these days, apart from really old ones. So I hope, I really hope I can make a massive, earth-shattering impact one day soon...

Anyway must go and get writing. I have this story in my head that is starting to eat me alive it's so intense...

Bev said...

Gledwood you have the talent it takes and you dont need to self publish.Thats more for regional cook books or stuff like that.
Dont worry what your folks say.They can be wrong and your prob right.
Are you doing any thing to get recognized?I dont know how you can do that but may be you do?You have to start some where but I agree about self publishing.
You can do amazing things Gledwood!

Gledwood said...

Thanks for your big kiss I was too pathetic to send one back so I sent some hot air ~ for some fucking stupid reason, I have no idea what...

... so I will send you some Strawberry Icecream instead. Only virtual strawberry icecream I'm afraid... still I hope you like it (and at least it's not fattening...)

Gledwood said...

Bev did you set your blog deliberately not to take anonymous comments?

You know it means only people who keep blogs on Blogger can comment back to you...?

Also I have to make sure I'm signed in, which usually I make sure not to be, as I'm using a public computer and paranoid about leaving myself accidentally signed in to Google.

I'm glad you have confidence in my abilities. Because I don't, always.

It's true, children's literature takes a special talent.

The way I see it, nearly everyone can write pretty respectable prose if they try to.

Only a certain percentage have the skills necessary to write fiction, however. To do that you need the nice prose, but just as much the ability to create memorable characters and to think up amazing plots...

Children's writing is an even rarer skill...

BTW the reason I went for childrens' is that I was so fed up with sex and violence and bad language and wanted to write something more "pure" so children's writing was the only way to do this without being considered a complete boring prude!

PS have you heard of that book called 50 Shades of Grey? Supposedly it has sold more than 40,000,000 copies in paperback this summer. I cannot even remember the author's name. But I don't want to read it. The press are calling it "Mummy porn" because it's about S&M...

Bev said...

Hi Gledwood. Writing a "pure" book for children sounds wonderful.
Dont worry about sending me hot air.I like it.I been venting so much Im all out of my hot air.
Strawbery Ice cream and no calories!Thanks a Bunch!
I will change my settings for comments and loossen them up.
lemon meringue sent your way.Open your fridge door!

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