
Peace of Water

I got three fish tanks when I passed a tag sale as it closed up. As long as I could take them away.
One had cracks all over the edges and I thouht with some silicone I could fix it up but when I found chips of glass in the tank while I was washing it I changed my mind.I was lcky to see the broken chips and not cut my hands on them.
The  one Im using has 3 live plants and 2 plastic ones. I got 2 spotted Raphaels and a  red chiclid.and an orange one.
I got the Raphaels on Ebay.They came in 3 bags with a pocket hand warmer in a box.
When they feel threatened they make the spines all over there bodys rigid and protruding.This is there defense against a predator.
They are nocturnal and swim around in the dark.
I use to have brackish water fish.Scats puffers and monos. When Im done  the sounds and fish will be calming.
Im not sure what to do with the other 30 gallon tank.May be an oranda.


Gledwood said...

Hey I luuurve chichicks/cyclids whatever you call them. Don't they come from Lake Malawi and Lake Tanganyika where there are no plants...?

I used to have a cute little dwarf froggie in with my fishes not to mention exotic freshwater shrimps (which you buy as live goldfish food) plus a Bornean hillstream loach named Nubia~~ how exciting was that?

I wish I could have tropical fish again but I have no security of tenure where I am (so it was a risk even paying £150 for a tv dish but as tv is the most important thing in life I thought "fuck it just go for it" ~~ this was to get intellectual television in German. Being just across the water from Germany we don't REALLY need 90cm dishes to get their telly but I went for that to ensure I got a lovely crisp picture.

O why am I talking about this crap. I've been eating cottage pie crusted up with Lea n Perrins-sprinkled grated cheese then shoved in the grill so kisses made of that!!


Gledwood said...

Cracked old fishtanks are great for keeping hamsters. My Pandable used to live in a 2.5ft x 18" tall x 12" front to back tank with a 12" diameter rat wheel and he was happy as larry...

Bev said...

I think some arwe from Africaand some new world.I will look up your loach.They are very exotic!
I love water and rain and the bubbly sounds from the filter.Real relaxation.
I have not watched much tv since geting the fish tank.I sat in front of them last night and was so tranquil only 2 glasses of wine got me to sleep.
The cracked tank was very unsafe.It had glass chips in and out and the silicone was worn off.I have it in a corner till I can get rid of it some how.No hampster or any thing could be safe in it.
Kisses for youXoXo

Gledwood said...

Good thing those Raphaels never felt threatened in the bags travelling over. You'd have had water all over the place and flapping half-dead fish!

Gledwood said...

Borneo Suckers as they're also known are sold as coldwater fish but I put mine in at 22C (71.6F) and she was fine. It lived a lot of the time along the glass by the bubbles. Which replicated her home in a shallow bubble-filled stream. And she slept upside down on this bit of slate in a cave I made for her...

I don't know for a fact she was female. Also she used to change colour. At first I thought it was a trick of the light, as if a shadow had suddenly passed over her, then I realized she could actually change the tone of her skin. How amazing is that??

Gledwood said...

Hey Beverly where do you live. I need the EXACT STREET AND HOUSE NUMBER EVERYTHING... no just kidding just point me to within 100 yards of your door...

North South East West ?? I have no idea. I always think of you as a California Babe for some reason?

So is there no risk of you getting blown away by this massive New York hurricane then?

And is it set to hit NYC at Category 5? How awfully exciting! No I shouldn't say that. Just how fucking awful. Ukh.

Bev said...

Im on east coast Danbury CT.
I love crazy weather.Storms and tornados and hurricanes.
I think its exiting to and invigorating exept if my building looses power.XoXo

Gledwood said...

CT..? That took me AGES to figure. What am I saying? I Googled it!! Connecticut? O wow so do you speak all schoolmarmish, like a 1940s film star?

Bev said...

Heck no!One actress I cant stand is Katherine Hepburn.She sounds stuffy and put on.
I think when films got sound they where importing British actors for there aristocratic sounding talk.
Do you sound aristocratic?
I was born in Brooklyn and 2 of my sisters still live there and got the I-wanna-a-glass-a-watah talk.Like Judge Judy.

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