
Bad Migraine Head Ache

Yesterday I felt sick.My stomache felt bad so I just drank ice tea. No breakfast or lunch.Then I had to lay down and shut the curtains.My head felt cracked in a million pieces.I hated to get up but I made a tossed salad and I was going to broil a steak but the light hurt my head so bad.I took 4 advils and when I took out the frozed steak it was dark brown and green and smelled bad.
All I had left was chicken cutlets and I was still in pain when I dipped the in the egg and flour and bread crumbs.I was afraid I was going to puke because I do with migraines.My meal was good fried chicken and salad.I had powdered food but I been getting sick from it lately.Oh it may be the MSG in them I forgot.I felt better by bed time and slept real good.
I hate head aches so much.
I did not have one this bad for years.


bugerlugs63 said...

Same here Bev on Wednesday I had the worst head ache I've ever had, it made me feel sick too. Strange eh?
I hope you're feeling better by now, mine stayed for a day and a half then went.
I took your advice and drank loads of water. Take care Bev, hope ex hubby looks after you when You're not well. x

Bev said...

hank you for visiting me when Im sick.Ex hubby is very mad at me now but he is a good person and will forgive me.I hope we both feel better.XoXXXXXXXXO

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