
Dont Take it Home with You

When I go to the grocers and the post office and even when I am just walking around there are nasty snobish ppl.
Nasty ppl give me dirty looks when I smile to them.Some nasty ppl even make rude comments to me. I dont care.I dont take those bad vibes home with me.I leave them where they belong.And they remain out side of my life.I learned not to absorb it.
If I get real mad. I will tell off the ppl who are rude to me but usally it passes me right by.I know that the worse way to be little some one rude is by laughing at there remarks but Im not a faker and cannot pull that off.Plus if I did that I will be a part of the argument.Let them argue with there conshense.
Any way Im going to return my empties & buy some wine and food.Later my eldest sister promised to pick me up and my laundry so I can wash and dry it at her house.My apt is a mess.I washed cloths and bed linens at the laudrymat last night and brouht them home damp to save some $$$.So I have cloths hanging from bureau drawers from cabinets from door knobs.It looks like Halloween here with all the sheets I have hanging all over like ghosts.


bugerlugs63 said...

Good for you Bev, you do well to "not take it home with you" . . . Sometimes I can do that and other times I can't. I hate it when people who don't know us, judge us purely on how we look.
You're right, they are ignorant and not worth bothering with.
That's what I like about the internet and blogging, it's like being a book without a cover . . . People have to read the book first, before they can make up their minds, rather than just checking the cover and discarding us for not "fitting in" . . . Sod 'em all Bev! much love to you x

Bev said...

it's like being a book without a cover . . . People have to read the book first, before they can make up their minds, rather than just checking the cover and discarding us for not "fitting in.
I dont know what to say Honey.I think you put it all in a nut shell♥ Love &Kissesxoxoxo

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