Any ways I just showered and shaved my legs and paintd my finger nails.I had my hair cut shorter and with a redish brown rinse in it.I was all perfumed and made up and wearing my jewlry.I felt like a million bucks.
My scrape is much better with iodine I been puting on it.
I died my hair Absolute Platinum. Schwarzkopf. They do 3 platinum blond tones but mine had the best looking models on the packet. Also it said something like A001 implying it was the lightest shade. Everyone seemed really surprised to see me newly shorn with white hair. It is true I was a bit manic when I did this. When I was more manic I nearly bought purple dye but someone talked me out of it. Maybe I'll dye my hair lemon yellow. I think that shade looks really cool. I put a song up for you it is 3 hours of donk so see if you like it. You have to keep it going for a good 15 mins on top volume before you can decide whether you like it or no.
"emotional pants" ~~ good phraseology ;-)
I was gonna say I like that phrase too "Emotional pants" that's gold!
You have some very poetic phrases Bev, I wonder if it's to do with speaking Italian when you were young.
Sounds like a fun time, you've got a great smile :-)
Love, as always, sent to you x
Gledwood.You must have been awful entiing to girls with your Absolute Platinum by Schwarzkopf.That sounds German and we dont have it here.
I loved your Donk music Gledwood thanks for giving me the music and for thinking of me.XoXoxo
I wish now that I picked up more of the language while I was with the. To bad I was not so enthusatic at the time.Years make evrey thing more preshious.
You are preshious to me and so is Gledwood.I love Bugerlgs and me & you being internet friends:)
Kisses and love sent in huge bushels your way.
OPs Gledwood I meant to say enticing.
"Years make everything more precious" . . . There you go again Bev, so true and well worded. I'm glad we're friends too x x
I trust you more then ppl I see in daily life.Any thing i say esp. if its bad gets spread all over town.
Thanks bugerlugs for your sweet comments kisses&hugs to youXoXoxo
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