
Over Reacting on a Thanks giving with no Thanks

My Crème caramel.
I used the wrong name in my yesterdays post got glass splinters in it.Thrown out.                     I am a shamed of  how upset I got.
I was systems down last night when I mis named this desert.Any way it had to be thrown out.No sense in any bodys throat getting slashed by glass. 
Here is my stuffing all from scratch that destroyed most of Thanksgiving sides by exploding.

Come to think of it I am thankful cause the exploding glass dish shards could easly have darted in to my eyes.
I apologized to ex hubby. It was my own fault.
Im sorry to have spent the day solem & sad in stead of thankful.
 I guess my spirits ar still sunk to the bottom.I had Corona and migraine pills since i woke up.
So god night and good dreams to you.


Gledwood said...

The stuffing exploded? wow your life is like mine... something out of a Twilight Zone episode...

also that creme caramel, not to criticize your cooking but: isn't it meant to be something like a milk jelly with clear amber jelly around the top? that thing looks more like a donut with a yogurt lid in the middle...(?!?)

Bev said...

LOL, yep its a custard type with burnt sugar on top and that browned sugar ought to be darker and look more burnt.
But it was not edible with the rest of the things that got sprinkled or bombed with cut sharp glass fragments.:(

Bev said...

You know what? After reading your comment it does look like a weird donut.powder sugar kisses to you XoXo

Gledwood said...

& Ultra Sugary Kisses Back My Darling Babe ;-)

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