
Ugly Week End

So much has happened since a week. I dont know if its a week but this weekend was ugly and rough and cruel.
One of the first things that really upset me so bad was that I passed Alex on the street. It was not a chance meeting. I been on the look out for him since the day we had coffee together.
We talked and since I only get to meet him on the street  I asked him for his phone number.
He said he dont give it out and I asked him why and he said for right now lets nots not worry about it.
This seemed wrong to me so I gave him my number and he folded the paper and put it in his pocket.
Then he asked me if I was in love with him and I told him the truth Yes.
He told me he was not ready to jump into a relationship and said that we can be sexual friends.
I asked him if one day we can be more than that. He said Take it one day at a time.
This time we where together I didnt get a happy and loving feeling. I felt it was one sided.I love him but he dont love me back.
A nother thing was the presents I got my ex hubby.I bought him a hoodie and I ordered his fish online and I got them both.
But the money came from what I sold on Ebay and the buyer wrote saying he never recieved the stuff.
I wrote him and told him on con of the hurricane it might be delayed.The tracking number I got at the post office just says it was acepted and it dont indicate the where abouts of it.
That was the money I used to buy ex hubbies birthday gifts.
If the man never gets the package I refund him but since I spent my Ebay money and the account is under my ex hubby. They will take the money out of his account.
Of course I dont want hubby paying for gifts I wanted for him. And he will be pissed off if Ebay takes the money. I figured I wont tell him unless the man after some more time doesnt get the package.
The other thing was that my bro came to visit and usually he brings his three kids. I asked him why he  didnt bring them and he said they dont like me and dont feel comfortable a round me. I got very hurt about that and got angry and told him if he dont want his children visiting me then he might a swell stay away to.
He said its not his kids fault they dont like me or feel comfortable with me an they think Im really a man.This was the worst blow because my bro knows about the operation my parents decided for me having my reproductive parts removed and that it made me feel even more motherly and needy of children.
I always scraped up some money to buy them birthday and Christmas gifts.
I keep there pictures on display but I dont blame the children.I blame my brother and his wife.
I had three or four beers.I was more optimistic and drank tes earlier to get things done and then I felt that before drinking tea. I should see what kind of day its going to be. I can only enjoy from tea if my day is productive and pretty good.
I know Its not healthy drinking early in the day and on an empty stomache.Believe it or not I been to depressed to eat.
Moods and occurances change like the weather.Yes I am extremly depressed but who knows. Some thing can happen that can lift me up in happiness.
IDK. Maybe the Ebay guy will get the shipment.Or maybe Alex will begin to love me.
Life is full of question marks.
la volte la vita รจ un inferno. Life at times is hell.
I have a bottle of  Southern Comfort.It goes down smooth and hits you all at once.
I am feeling companionship with my computer and with my 2 best internet friends.I dont feel loneely even in my apartment.
I am typing because I have nobody to talk to. Well I can talk to ex hubby but he snaps at me when I get drunk.I cant call the religious lady for the same reason. She will only tell me drinking alcohol is the most offensive sin towards God.
I think if its so sinful it will not exisit in this world. I think its there for a reason.If not it would not exisit.
Does God judge by your heart or your weakness to pain blotting elements?
I think pain blotting elements are here for the very reason that lief is so emotional and wounding and at times brutaly  malishious.
Bear with me while I get a shot of Southern Comfort.If it was not confined to a bottle. I think Southern Comfort should be just distributed in the air so we all get some peace.
Well I guess all this ramblin aint going no where.


bugerlugs63 said...

Hi Bev, I wish I could just pop round for a glug of Southern Comfort now . . . Or even a cup of tea! Sounds to me like Alex was/is after one thing and one thing only. You deserve better than that Bev, you deserve to be loved and respected first and foremost. We've both allowed ourselves to be used and abused for too many years and we know there is no comfort there . . . It just leads to more pain, which then needs "blotting" . . . I'm sat here with my blotter too so you're in good company and I'm sure we're not judged by anyone who matters, for wanting to numb it all sometimes.
I think your Brother needs to teach his kids some compassion, but it doesn't sound like he's a compassionate man . . . Does he not consider how these remarks must hurt you?
Sometimes life is painful and harsh . . . But there will be better days somewhere along the line for us. Meantime, try not to let them get to you Bev, they are ignorant and selfish.
Sending you hugs and love, I hope you're feeling better real soon, Di x x x

Bev said...

Thank you Bugerluvs
Im feeling better emotionally but now all the drinking and not much eating caught up to me and I feel stomach sick.
My metabolism is all fired up and I cant keep any thing down but Im over the worse emotional part.
I thought Alex was different then other guys.For some reason I thought he wanted me as a gf.Oh well.
It would be nice to share Southern Comfort or tea with you and a get together :DXoXo

Gledwood said...

Beverly Babe:~~ I refer you to the comment I made some moments ago:~~~ at 1:43 local time, November 17th 2012 one post below this one.

To me your bad feelings are symptomatic of depression ~ quite probably Clinical Depression, "unipolar [major depressive] disorder" as you yourself once named it. Depression fuelled by low self-esteem and complicated by alcohol. Speaking as a manic-depressive alcoholic junkie I know this. My self-esteem seems more shaky and more uneven than anyone else's I knew in my close circle of friends [in real life]. (I'm not trying to get into an "I'm more miserable than you") ridiculous competition. Misery doesn't have to be justified. You are how you FEEL; it doesn't always matter so much "WHY"~~[??]
Speaking as someone whose life has been fucked up and practically ruined by depression, your bad feelings don't have to have a "reason" that you can name. You can say you're feeling bad about your whole life, and from what I see, you probably are...

Is there one single thing that would make your life better, make you feel better? Or anything or things at all? Do you think alcohol makes you feel worse? Sorry to keep mentioning this, it's just that it was drummed into me that my drinking was exacerbating my own depression and I'm not at all sure that was true. I think my problem has always been multi-fasceted without a single cause. And now that I'm officially "bipolar" they can't even say I'm somehow suffering from a depressive personality. Because a lot of the time I'm NOT depressed, I'm Elevated, I feel beautiful and charming and fantastic and hyper and high and it doesn't even take drugs to make me feel that good. Though when I have taken heroin it's only fuelled that marvellous refractive Diamond Fire.

Beverly my Baby I wish I could make you feel better. This whole past week I have felt like my heart was packed in ice. Half-dead and dying inside. If only I could have cried I might have somehow felt better ...~... just a little better. But I couldn't and I didn't.

Do you ever cry? Would you term it "therapeutic crying"~? That's what my friend Clare used to say ~ when a film set her off weeping and yet she was weeping not over the movie but letting out her own sorrow, the sadness of life itself, she termed this Therapeutic Crying and I think she was making a marvellous point with so much truth inside.

Please get back to me. No matter how good you feel or how bad. As far as a relative stranger thousands of miles away can be there for you, I'm here for you.
Never forget that xxxXxxx :-)

Bev said...

Thanks for comming here with nice and sweet words you leave me.
Crying dont make me feel better.I cry to much and hyper ventilate because its straining after a while.
If Im in a good mood alcohol is not bad.If Im sad I only drink so it will make me fall a sleep quick with out having to think.
If Im depreessed caffeine makes me feel worse and I rather be sudate then wirey on a sad day.
Lots of things could make me have a happoier life.More independence.More love.Feeling as though Im have some purpose besides taking up all the space I do.
Lots of things can make me much happier.Looking better would make me feel real happy.So much of my sadness is over my looks which get worse with time.
But I am happy lots of the time and I dont need any thing I dont have when Im happy.And I dont obsess about my looks when Im happy.
ginger ale kisses Xoxo

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